Chord Switching Exercises NOT WORKING? Try This Guitar Finger Exercise!

Improve Your Chord Switching With This Guitar Finger Exercise!

Beginners usually start with chord switching exercises, you know, practicing switching from one chord to the next. But sometimes we need to dive a little bit deeper and develop our dexterity – the ability to put our fingers where we want them to go.

This exercise will benefit you whether you’re practicing chord switching, lead, hammer-ons, pull-offs and a bunch more stuff. It’s always a good idea to improve your overall dexterity, no matter what aspect of guitar you’re pursuing.

The exercise itself requires you to make an easy-to-remember, zig-zag pattern up the fretboard – just between a couple frets. It’s like climbing a ladder! We then repeat that pattern with our next two fingers. And then finally, we repeat that pattern with our ring finger and pinky fingers to make them stronger.

We can ascend and we can descend, and I show you how to do all of this… how to turn this simple exercise into a complete warm up routine!

Till next time!

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