No Motivation To Play Guitar? Let’s Figure It Out Together!

You’ll see your idols playing amazing things effortlessly and you think of how hard you’ve already worked. You can only imagine how much harder you have to work in order to hit that point yourself!

Lost motivation to play guitar is more common than you think. That is why I’ve put together this page to provide you with advice for getting past these barriers that affect us all.

These are things that I have used myself to ensure that my guitar journey keeps moving forward. I’ve shared these tips with my students and they all keep coming back for lessons… so I guess they’re still playing guitar too!

At the end of the day, you are guaranteed to get better at guitar as long as you keep trying. It can be hard to muster up the energy to practice but in these tutorials and discussions I’m going to share with you some surefire ways to make it happen consistently.

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