Guitar Stretches To Avoid Wrist & Finger Pain

Are guitar teachers qualified to give medical advice? NO! That’s why I hired a registered physio to bring you this…

The Best Finger Stretching Exercises For Guitar

As a beginner, it’s crucial to know the basic stretches that can help prevent injuries and discomfort while playing. From effective finger stretching exercises to essential hand stretches for guitarists, you’ll learn how to loosen your hands and improve flexibility. Explore proven techniques to enhance your guitar playing experience, helping you switch chords faster, and discover the best practices for finger and hand exercises, ensuring that your fingers won’t be a limitation in your musical journey.

Table of Contents

  • 0:00 – Intro
  • 1:29 – Warmups
  • 4:15 – Pacing Your Practice
  • 5:49 – Cool-Down Exercises
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