Hit The Road Jack (Stampeders Version)

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Hey everybody! In today’s lesson I want to show you how to play “Hit the Road Jack” by Ray Charles (this is actually “The Stampeders” version – it’s in a different key and is much rockier).

IF YOU NEED REAL HELP WITH BARRE CHORDS, I have a solution: it’s a step-by-step course that takes you from the easiest exercise, all the way to being able to play barre chords in any key (any song!).
Visit the following page for more information: https://goodguitarist.com/barre-chords/

It’s all based around this shape called the power chord. This song is more like an exercise because it’s so simple – even if you’ve never play the guitar before, there’s a chance that you’ll be able to play this riff by the end of the video.

All we do is take that power chord shape, play it a couple times.. we move it to the side play it a couple more times. We do that again. It’s so simple. With just a bit of practice, you’ll be able to play this song from start to finish.

I hope you enjoy this simple song lesson / exercise and if you need any extra help, please ask in the comments.

See you soon!


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