Weekly Q&A #2 – “My Guitar Isn’t Good Enough!”

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Have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming Q&A? Let me know in the comments below or email me directly at [email protected]

In this Q&A, I answer a question/comment that I see a lot. “If I had a nicer guitar, I’d sound WAY better!”

I have 2 things to say about that:

1) It’s not about the quality of the guitar… it’s all about the quality of the guitarist. (To a certain extent… if your guitar is absolutely impossible to play, even by a professional, then yeah.. you have a case)

2) What makes a quality guitar? I go over my top recommendations (easy action, good intonation, “feels good”)

Want to sound good, even if your guitar’s not the best? Check out these resources:

Free eBook: https://goodguitarist.com/learn-rhythm-guitar/

Free 7-day Beginner Guitar Challenge: https://goodguitarist.com/beginner-challenge/

Premium Beginner’s Guitar Course: https://goodguitarist.com/beginner-guitar-course/


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