The Scientist – Coldplay

[fusion_builder_container background_color=”” background_image=”” background_parallax=”none” enable_mobile=”no” parallax_speed=”0.3″ background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” video_url=”” video_aspect_ratio=”16:9″ video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_opacity=”0.5″ video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding_top=”20″ padding_bottom=”20″ padding_left=”” padding_right=”” hundred_percent=”no” equal_height_columns=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” menu_anchor=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][fusion_text]Hey everyone! This week we’re gonna take it allll the way back to 2002 (haha) and show you how to play “The Scientist” by Coldplay. If you haven’t listened to the whole album that this one comes from (A Rush Of Blood To The Head) I’d highly recommend it, if you’re a Coldplay fan.

Now a little about the tune: Since we’re playing it without using a capo, this song uses (DUN DUN DUNNNNN!) barre chords – namely Bb and F. There’s a couple open chords mixed in there, too: Dm, C, but that’s it! If you can muster up the strength and courage to press on through the Bb chord, this one should be fine since we ARE using an easier fingering for F – you’ll see what we mean in the video.

As for the strumming pattern, it actually uses the same one as “Faded” by Alan Walker (you can find our lesson for that here: Even though it’s a bit long, it’s really simple and we break it down in the video to make it easier to learn.

Enjoy the lesson!

The Scientist Chords:

c chord guitar d minor chord guitar dm

The Scientist Strumming Pattern:

the scientist strumming pattern with counting



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