Too Good At Goodbyes – Sam Smith

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Hey everyone! In this easy guitar tutorial, I’m going to show you how to play “Too Good At Goodbyes” by Sam Smith. This is the “beginner version” and it uses a capo on the 5th fret. Next time, I’ll show you the “intermediate version” (no capo).

Throughout the lesson, I mention our eBook (which is free to all our subscribers). It’ll help you with all the basics of rhythm guitar (chord switching, troubleshooting chord shapes, working on your rhythm, etc.) You can download it here –

The lesson begins by showing the chord shapes used in this song: Am, C, G, Dm. This is a 4-chord wonder, so it’s the same thing the whole time… yay! After that we practice playing them in order, just to work out the switches.

Once we’re comfortable with that, we move on to the rhythm part. The strumming pattern for this song is a little trickier than the shapes (let’s call it “beginner +1”) but we show you a way to count it out and ensure that (with some practice) you’ll definitely be able to play it.

We finish by playing through some of the song together, a bit slower than the original recording.

I hope you enjoy the lesson – and if you’re down for the challenge, next time we’ll be going over the intermediate version of this song, so stay tuned!

Too Good At Goodbyes Chords:

a minor chord guitar am c chord guitard minor chord guitar dmg chord guitar


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