Coconut – Harry Nilssen (1 Chord Song)

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Hey everyone!

In this lesson I’m going to show you how to play “Coconut” by Harry Nilssen. This is literally a 1-chord song – it’s just one chord the entire way through! That means it’s probably going to be one of the easiest songs you’ll ever learn on guitar!

If you find that you want to maybe go past knowing just 1 chord, you should check out our eBook, covering all the basics of rhythm guitar. It’s free for our subscribers and you can find it here:

The lesson begins with the chord shape: C7. We then add a fingerpicking pattern, step-by-step. First, we place our fingers in the correct spots, then we work out the (very simple) pattern, and finally we finish it off by releasing the chord, to get a nice “short” sound. After that, we play it together.

Next, we take a look at the intro, which has a bit of a finger-picking pattern to it. It’s still not that tough, but we break it down anyways (what else is there to do when the song just has 1 chord?).

That’s pretty much all there is to it! Enjoy!

Coconut Chords:


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