How Far I’ll Go – Alessia Cara (from the movie “Moana”)

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Hey everyone!

In this guitar tutorial I’ll show you how to play “How Far I’ll Go” by Alessia Cara / the movie “Moana” (written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the dude who wrote Hamilton). The song uses a capo on the 4th fret. If you don’t have a capo, no worries, it just won’t sound the same but will still work out fine.

Throughout the lesson I mention our eBook, covering all the fundamentals of rhythm guitar. It’s free to all of our subscribers. You can find it here:

Intro sung by the incredible Carmina Bolinao – follow her here:

The lesson begins with a few chord shapes: C, Dm, Am, F. We practice them, in order, using downstrokes only, just to make sure we have all the switches worked out. After that we take a look at a strumming pattern, which is a bit longer than usual, but we break it down and make it quite simple. (It’s the same strumming pattern as Charlie Puth’s “Attention” and Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie” in case you want some extra milage from this one!)

After that, we combine the chords and strumming pattern and play through the verse. This is followed by the pre-chorus, which requires 2 more chord shapes: Am and Fm.. so we take care of that with an easy way to play Fm, reinforcing your 1st finger with your 2nd.

Then we learn the chorus, which requires 1 new shape: G. Once again we play through it together, slower than the recording, and that’s it!

I hope you enjoy the lesson and I’ll see you soon!

How Far I’ll Go Chords:

c chord guitard minor chord guitar dma minor chord guitar am   g chord guitar


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