Humble And Kind – Tim McGraw

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Hey everyone!

In today’s lesson, I’m going to show you how to play “Humble And Kind” by Tim McGraw. This song is great for beginners since it uses just 3 simple chord shapes, and the order is the same throughout the entire song.

Special thanks to Eric Severinson ( for singing the intro!

If you’re just getting started you might need some extra help. I have 2 resources for that:


You’ll want to check out the GoodGuitarist Beginner Guitar Course! More information here:

And there’s my eBook (which is free for all subscribers!) – You can use it to help you build a solid foundation: chords, switching, progressions, riffs, techniques… everything it takes to be a “good guitarist.” You can find it here:

The lesson starts with the chord shapes, which are 3 of the easiest shapes: G, Em7 and Cadd9. They all share similar fingerings, so you only have to move 1 or 2 fingers in order to switch from chord to chord. This is why this song is so great for beginners!

Once I show you some chord switching tips, we practice strumming the chords in order while counting aloud “1 2 3” – this may seem like an extra step, but if you find yourself getting lost in the music, not able to switch chords at the correct time… this is EXACTLY how we can fix that!

After practicing the chord progression, we start working on the strumming pattern. This one’s not too bad, but it’s not the easiest one either. Just like the chords, if we COUNT along and break it down, you’re 100% going to get it.

Before playing through the song together, I also show you a way to “palm mute” the strumming pattern and make it sound EXACTLY like the recording.

Anyway, that’s all there is to it! Remember to practice up and I’ll see you soon!

Humble And Kind Chords:

g chord guitar this 90s style version of em is found in oasis and green day songs among others cadd9 chord, used in many pop songs like closer, this town, time of your life, good riddance, wonderwall


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