How To Hold A Guitar Pick – Beginner Guitar Lesson

The Best Way To Hold A Guitar Pick + Plectrum

Now there are many ways to do it, but this is by far the most widely used method (for good reason)…

While there are some legendary guitarists who break all the rules when it comes to holding a pick (Eddie Van Halen and Pat Metheny come to mind) the vast majority hold their pick the same way I’d like to show you.

It provides the most comfort and flexibility, as well as providing you with a lot of control of the pick angle and various other factors that will improve your overall technique.

Not sure what kind of guitar pick to use?

I recommend trying a whole bunch of different picks. Thinner ones tend to work best for beginners. If you just want a 1-stop solution, there are these “variety packs” that contain a ton of different picks at a very affordable price. You can purchase one here: USA / Canada

A small portion of purchases made using the above links goes toward helping to support the GoodGuitarist YouTube Channel. I appreciate your support!

We begin with the basics: relax your hand, curl your fingers and let your thumb contact the 1st joint of your 1st finger. Then we place a pick in between our thumb and finger, pointing outwards (perpendicular to the thumb).

The biggest issue beginners face is having their pick spin around and suddenly go backwards! This sucks when you’re in the middle of a tune. To combat this, we can practice a very simple exercise: spinning the pick around with just the thumb and index. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you have that control, you can adjust your pick automatically and keep it straight.

We also discuss some general strumming/picking technique, including having a loose grip and using the joints of your fingers to hold the pick for more stability.

I’ll be filming a TON of tutorials this weekend, so look forward to some modern hits and a slew of classics.

Take care, see you soon!

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