Lazy Song – Bruno Mars

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Hey everyone!

For today’s easy guitar lesson I’m going to show you how to play “Lazy Song” by Bruno Mars in a way that sounds exactly like the recording. It’s a lot simpler than you think! Just remember to get that capo on the 4th fret!

If you need any help with the basics (chords, switching, strumming, etc.) please check out our eBook, covering all the basics of rhythm guitar. It’s free for subscribers and you can find it here:

And for an interactive, step-by-step method that will get you playing in just 12 weeks, check out my premium beginner’s guitar course:

The lesson begins with the chords for the verse: G, C and D. You’ll often see these 3 chords hanging out together and if you’re an absolute beginner, I highly recommend memorizing these ones as soon as you can, since you’ll get a TON of mileage out of them. Anyway, we talk about switching between them, practice switching between them, and then learn the strumming pattern.

The strumming is really simple as well, it’s just “Root Down Down” where “root” is the lowest note(s) of the chord and down is… down. The trick here is to pay attention to detail – yeah it’s the simplest strumming pattern ever, but playing it with the right feeling is what’ll make this sound like the actual song. After we talk about “chopping” the strings and muting them to get the correct sound, we put the chords and strumming together and play through together, it a bit slower than the original recording.

Next we apply the same methods as we learn the pre-chorus, chorus and bridge. Along the way we show you all the necessary chords, practice switching chords and then integrate them with the strumming pattern. I even show you an easier way to play Bm and B7, which are both played as barre chords in the original recording.

If you need any help, please let me know in the comments below!

Lazy Song Chords:

g chord guitard chord guitarc chord guitara minor chord guitar am   b7 chord guitar  e minor chord guitar em 


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