Havana – Camila Cabello

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Hey everyone!

In today’s lesson, we’re going to show you how to play “Havana” by Camila Cabello. Lately I’ve been doing a whole bunch of holiday/winter songs so it’s kinda nice to have something hot and spicy to balance it out 🙂 It’s a very beginner-friendly tune, just using 3 easy chords. So if you’re just starting out, it’ll be the perfect song to work on.

Throughout the lesson I mention eBook, covering all the fundamentals of rhythm guitar. It’s free to all of our subscribers. You can find it here: https://goodguitarist.com/learn-rhythm-guitar/

This song uses 3 chords: Em, C and B7. We begin the lesson by learning how to play those chords and also taking a really close look at some tips and tricks that will help you switch between them easily and efficiently. After that we practice playing them in order, using downstrokes only, so we can focus on making the chord switches.

Once our switching is comfortable, we take a look at the strumming pattern. Normally we play the strumming pattern 1 or 2 times on each chord, but in this song the entire strumming pattern is divided amongst the chords. Because of this, we break it down in a few pieces, and work on it all separately, getting each motion perfect. This is the most difficult part of the tune, but once you get it 1x, all you need to do is loop it and you’ll have the ENTIRE song down!

I hope you enjoy this lesson, I’ll be coming back with some more holiday classics soon!

Havana Chords:

e minor chord guitar emc chord guitarb7 chord guitar


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