Song For Zula – Phosphorescent

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How To Play “Song For Zula” by Phosphorescent

This week we’re gonna show you how to play “Song For Zula” by Phosphorescent. It’s pretty straight-forward, some chords (E, B, A, C#m) and a strumming pattern.

What makes this song good for learning guitar is the fact that the same 4 chords are repeated over and over (with 1 very tiny exception during the instrumental parts). This makes it great for learning to play with a metronome as you won’t have to focus so much on the chords and can concentrate on your strumming a bit more.

I also took a moment to show you how you can use a capo (on the 4th fret) and play this song with different shapes (instead of barre chords!). In that case, the chords are C, G, Am, Fmaj7 – they are all open chords and all quite simple.

I hope you enjoy this lesson and if you have any questions or requests please let me know in the comments below!

Song For Zula Chords (No Capo):

e chord guitar b barre chord c sharp minor barre chord C#ma chord guitarg sharp minor barre chord G#m

Song For Zula Strumming Pattern:

song for zula strumming pattern

Song For Zula Easy Chords (Capo 4):

c chord guitar g chord guitar a minor chord guitar amf major 7 easy f chord fmaj7e minor chord guitar em[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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