Wild Thing – The Troggs

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Hey everybody! In today’s lesson I’m going to show you how to play “Wild Thing” by The Troggs. This is one of my favorite songs to teach beginners for a few reasons. First, it’s pretty easy to get the whole thing down. The rhythm is simple, and the chords are even simpler. It’s also good for teaching you how to move around a movable shape called the power chord (which is the basis for barre chords). On the actual recording they are playing full barre chords, and that’s usually too much to start. But, if you learn it using the power chord, it’s an easy transition into barre chords – it’s just a matter of adding a bit of technique, a bit more finger strength and you’ll get there.

IF YOU NEED REAL HELP WITH BARRE CHORDS, I have a solution: it’s a step-by-step course that takes you from the easiest exercise, all the way to being able to play barre chords in any key (any song!).
Visit the following page for more information: https://goodguitarist.com/barre-chords/

The lesson begins with a simple way to play it (both sections). We use the power chord and learn to count out the rhythm. The B section is just two chords but it’s a really quick slide back and forth and that might be the only trouble you have as a beginner.

I hope you enjoy the lesson. See you soon!


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